Elliot Wave Junctures – Jeffrey Kennedy

For you Elliott Wave Enthusiasts, this is over 1 plus years of Elliott Wave Junctures recordings, 249 videos recorded. All anywhere from 5-60 minute video tips and techniques to improve your Elliott Wave Analysis and trading.

Jeffrey Kennedy’s Trader’s Classroom offers you three to five 5-minute video lessons each week that teach you to apply Elliott in real-time, real-market scenarios. (That’s more than 200 trading lessons each year!)

You can watch the lessons as often as you like and pause, stop and rewind the videos to review an important technique.

What’s more, for as long as you subscribe, you keep every lesson you pay for. In other words: The longer you subscribe, the larger your personal Trader’s Classroom archive grows.

Jeffrey’s video lessons teach you to identify market junctures — the spots in a pattern where high-confidence trade setups arise. Some lessons are recorded in real time, so you can benefit from watching Jeffrey apply Elliott – and supporting disciplines like Fibonacci, moving averages and his proprietary Kennedy Channeling Technique — as market action unfolds.

You will learn all the vital aspects of trading:

Time Frames: You may see a 5-minute chart one day and a monthly chart the next. Jeffrey shows you how to find high-confidence trading opportunities across multiple time frames.

Elliott Wave Analysis: Before you even think about a trade, you have to do your analysis. Jeffrey helps you master every pattern, rule, guideline and more.

Markets: Jeffrey monitors hundreds of possibilities, including currencies, commodities, indexes, individual stocks, etc. He takes you wherever the opportunities and teachable junctures are.

Other Indicators: Each semester since 2009, Jeffrey Kennedy has taught a course on technical analysis at Georgia Tech. He has plenty to show you about using other technical studies to complement and improve you application of Elliott waves .

Trading Strategies and Tactics: As you know, there is a LOT that has to happen after you’ve done your analysis. Jeffrey will walk you through all the important decisions and steps, and he follows up on these lessons often so you know them like the back of your hand.

If you are committed to improving your trading, and you are willing to invest the time and effort required to make Elliott an integral part of your trading methodology, you will not find a better opportunity than now

对于你们这些Elliott Wave爱好者来说,这是超过1年的Elliott Wave Junctures录音,249段视频。所有5-60分钟的视频提示和技术,以改进您的埃利奥特波浪分析和交易。
Jeffrey Kennedy的交易员课堂每周为您提供三到五节5分钟的视频课程,教您在实时、真实的市场场景中应用Elliott。(这相当于每年200多节交易课!)
Jeffrey的视频课程教你识别市场转折点——高信心交易设置出现的模式中的点。一些经验教训是实时记录的,所以随着市场行动的展开,你可以从Jeffrey应用Elliott以及支持Fibonacci、移动平均线和他专有的Kennedy Channeling技巧等学科中受益。

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