[All 3 Video Courses Combo] Sadhguru Inner Engineering Series – Empowerment Program (7 Classes and bonuses)

Sadhguru – Inner Engineering Series (Sadhguru – Inner Engineering Program + 2 more courses)

Inner Engineering is an opportunity to engineer an inner transformation that deepens your perception of the very way you look at your life, your work, and the world you inhabit.

3 Courses + 2 PDF + 1 MP3

7 Online classes for Empowerment

  • Offers a distilled essence of yoga
  • Guided Meditation with each class
  • at your own pace in your own space

“As we have physical science to create external wellbeing there is a whole inner dimension of science to create inner well being. I call it Inner Engineering.” -Sadhguru

Inner Engineering is a technology for wellbeing derived from the ancient science of yoga. An authentic program for self-empowerment and personal growth, the course opens up the possibility of living life to your fullest human potential – a potential modern physicists and psychologists say is almost unlimited.

Taught by Sadhguru, a profound mystic and yogi, the program components include seven thought-provoking sessions, at-home assignments to increase awareness, guided meditations and access to a Treasure Trove of video Q&A’s addressing the topics covered in each class.This program also lays the foundation to learn the Shambavi Mahamudra, an energy practice of immeasurable transformative power and antiquity that Sadhguru has brought to the modern world. It is now practiced by millions worldwide.

Inner Engineering is a synthesis of holistic sciences that cultivates your body, mind, emotion and energy, ultimately aligning you with the powerful flow of the life force itself.

Imagine living and working at levels of efficiency and flow that supersede mental and physical effort; that allow you to cope calmly with the hectic pace of modern life; that attract optimum results aligned with your greatest intentions.

You will gain such potential from a simple, yet powerful, online course. Experience Inner Engineering, and help yourself realize the ultimate potential within.

1.Inner Engineering Series

  1. Yoga Tools for Transformation
Inner Engineering Series此资源下载价格为169¥CNY,请先
Yoga Tools for Transformation此资源下载价格为159¥CNY,请先
all 3此资源下载价格为299¥CNY,请先
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