![图片[1]-Scott H Young Learn More, Study Less-TheTrendFollowing](http://monkeycourse.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/41956d6d7b081635.png)
Would you like to learn faster?
Remember everything you read?
Learn a new language in months?
Get great grades with less studying time than you’re spending now?
Read on, because I’m going to teach you how.
When most people think about learning faster, they think that’s something only geniuses can do. People who get great grades without endless hours of work must be just be smarter than the rest of us. Right?
Research shows that different methods (the kind smart people often use instinctively) can have dramatically different effects—even for normal people like you and me:
- Using deeper levels of processing allowed students in one study to remember twice as much information. (CITE)
- Small differences in how you practice can mean the difference between rapid improvement and staying on a skill plateau forever. (CITE)
- Memory can be hacked. Joshua Foer went from mediocre memory to 2005 U.S. Memory Championship winner, able to memorize thousands of items at lighting speed. All using a simple technique I teach in this course. (CITE)
Changing your methods can have dramatic results. I’ve documented this myself, learning MIT’s 4-year computer science curriculum in 12 months (see my TEDx talk if you want to learn more).
More importantly, students who have taken my course have also gotten results:
- John P. cut his studying time by 75% while improving his grades.
- R.J., a former C-student, aced his professional exam in half the time.
- Nayamot, went from failing to acing his chemistry class using just one method I teach.
- Santiago went from barely passing with no social life to top grades and thousands of dollars in scholarships.
- Deepali aced two years of material in two months, while still scoring in the top 1% for a national engineering exam.
I’m not going to hold back—I’m going to tell you what the secret is right now. All of these results are achievable through a learning strategy I call holistic learning.
Holistic learning is the process of learning by making connections.
You see, most students try to memorize information. They hope that if they repeat the ideas enough times, they’ll finally understand and remember it on an exam.
This can work—but it’s incredibly slow.
Holistic learners don’t do this. Instead they work to link ideas together. This forms a web of knowledge which can allow you to remember things you’d otherwise forget. Richard Feynman, Nobel prize-winning physicist, used similar approaches in his own learning:
Holistic learning helps you remember more, but it also helps you learn better too. By linking ideas, you understand them better. Holistic learning, therefore, can make you smarter—by allowing you to access knowledge in a way your friends and classmates can’t.
That’s great, but how do you actually do it?
I’ve spent years building a course that can guide you through every step. This course has material to help you master every aspect of the learning process:
- How to organize your work so you never need to feel stressed.
- Remember anything you read, the first time you read it.
- Break down the most difficult ideas in the world, so they’re easy to understand.
- Take notes to seal in knowledge the first time it’s presented.
- Level-up any skill you want to be better at.
- Tackle standardized exams like the GMAT, MCAT, LSAT and SAT.
- Learn the technique to memorize thousands of items almost instantly (the same one Joshua Foer used to win the 2005 US Memory Championship)
On top of that, I’ve recruited experts from different domains of learning to give you access to the best possible techniques. This includes:
Benny Lewis – A polyglot, fluent in 10 languages, shares how he was able to learn to speak languages like Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, German or Arabic—in as little as three months. I share a full session with him breaking down his method into steps anyone can follow.
Cal Newport PhD – Cal Newport exhaustively researched the behaviors of top students in his book, How to Become a Straight-A student. In particular, he focused only on students with excellent grades but low stress lives. He shares a session with me highlighting the top three strategies all of these low-stress, high-performance students shared.
Kalid Azad – Kalid is the math teacher we all wish we had. He has a talent for digesting the hardest and most confusing ideas into a format even a 10 year-old could understand. Here he shares how he approaches ideas from math to economics, so you can develop a deep intuition as well.
Liam Martin – Liam used to get B’s and C’s. Then he radically overhauled his studying habits until he scored only A’s and A+’s for the remainder of his time in university. He then went on to coach thousands more students as a tutor. I speak with him and he shares the method to go from mediocre to top performer.
Wondering what’s inside? Watch this short clip where I give a walkthrough, explaining exactly what’s inside the course.
When you sign up, you get the full course lectures, all broken down into short videos so they’re easy to watch when you’re on the go. These cover every major idea I’ve developed and uncovered for learning faster.
You also get access to the original book, Learn More, Study Less. This book has been read thousands of times. It comes with Kindle and eDocument formats.
Finally you get a ton of bonus content:
- All bonus sessions with Benny Lewis, Cal Newport, Kalid Azad and Liam Martin (including archived sessions with Benny and Kalid). These are full video sessions along with transcripts.
- Case study booklet. This has full write ups of how six learners used the techniques to learn more. Included is also detailed examples and explanations of how they used the techniques exactly, in their own words.
- Worksheets and self-education resources. These are great to help you practice the techniques and give you access to additional free tools from around the internet that can help you succeed in your learning goals.
- The complete archived video course. Access the entire previous edition of the course, which adds more examples, explanations and walkthroughs.
I’ve spoken to many people who are interested in the course, but aren’t sure if it’s right for them. Maybe you don’t know whether the tactics will work for you or your subject. Maybe you want to buy the course for your child or a friend, and don’t know whether it can help them.
I’ve worked extensively to make sure the course can benefit almost any student. The course works for subjects from medicine to law to chemistry to mathematics.
I’ve personally hand-tested the methods on many different subjects both in the classroom and in the real world. I can assure you this isn’t a bag of tricks. It’s real-world learning methods that help you learn better (not just shortcut a particular exam).
That said, I understand if you’d like to try it out first before you commit. That’s why I have a 60-day money back guarantee on the course. If you sign up and decide it isn’t right for you, no worries! I’ll happily give you all your money back.
My only goal is to make a living helping people learn better. Most of my customers are very happy, but I’ll return your money back, no questions, if the course isn’t a good fit for you.