How to Trade the Highest Probability Opportunities – Price Gaps by Jeffrey Kennedy

Gain new insights into trading price gaps

Senior Analyst Jeffrey Kennedy reveals his time-tested trading insights into catching and trading price gaps. With never-before-discussed strategies, Jeffrey teaches you a skill set that you won’t find in any book, anywhere. Watch as he discusses this vital and applicable lesson using real-time examples.

Using real-time examples, Jeffrey shows you just how “timely” price gaps can be. And he reveals how price gaps can help answer the questions: Will a trend continue, and for how long? As Jeffrey puts it:

“Gaps happen all the time. The problem is knowing which gaps to ignore and which demand focus. My work, developed over the past ten years, has identified several powerful techniques to help you discover the hidden gems and skip over the unhelpful rough.”

Here’s what you’ll learn:

How to identify the four types of price gaps
Utilize each of the four to anticipate critical market moves
Which gaps you should actually ignore
How to apply a never-before-seen technique combining Fibonacci with price gaps to project how far prices will move,  and for how long
Use the natural price “magnets” that gaps create to help you formulate a defined trading strategy

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