Chapter 1 MTF Introduction Chapter
2 Gann Square of Price and Astrology Chapter
3 The WD Gann Trading Campaign Chapter
4 Fixed Cycles Chapter
5 Repeating Recreating Aspects Simple Chapter
6 Observational plus Hidden Cycles Chapter
7 Repeating Plus Hidden Cycles Chapter
8 Long wave cycles large planets repeating or linked Chapter
9 Astro Tools Chapter 10 Trading patterns mentioned in Videos
![图片[1]-WD Ganns Master Time Factor by The Astrological Method. Predictive Power. Myles Wilson Walker.Video 1.5 GB. Gann Secret-TheTrendFollowing](
![图片[2]-WD Ganns Master Time Factor by The Astrological Method. Predictive Power. Myles Wilson Walker.Video 1.5 GB. Gann Secret-TheTrendFollowing](
![图片[3]-WD Ganns Master Time Factor by The Astrological Method. Predictive Power. Myles Wilson Walker.Video 1.5 GB. Gann Secret-TheTrendFollowing](
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