Macrohedged – Options Education FULL Course 30+ Hours

图片[1]-Macrohedged – Options Education FULL Course 30+ Hours-TheTrendFollowing

What You’ll Learn In Options Education FULL Course :

Market microstructure.
The Options on Futures market.
The CME, EUREX & ICE – Why they are different and who futures exchanges operate.
The Greeks (1st Order Greeks).
Option Value Calculation.
Knowing your position and how it will change.
Glossary & Jargon.
Setting up the right tools for the week.
Objective is to get everyone on the foundation day fully prepared to learn at a greater depth for the rest course DeepDive (17 Hours)
Spreads & Strategies
The Models (B&S, Binomial Trees)
The Market Maker – Their role, your role
Skew (RR, BF and path trading)
Trading Volatility & Skew
Dynamic hedging
Position risk
Greeks in depth
2nd Order Greeks (Vomma, Charm, Vera,Dvega, DeltaTime)
3rd Order Greeks (Color, Speed, Ultima, Zomma)
Option sensitivity
Position sensitivity
Cross Greeks & Correlation sensitivity

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