![图片[1]-Understanding The Daily Treasury Statement-TheTrendFollowing](http://monkeycourse.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/bc342f01d7160235.jpg)
Original website: https://www.pitbulleconomics.com/daily-treasury-statement/
Content: Mike Norman – Understanding The Daily Treasury Statement.mp4
What is the Daily Treasury Statement?
Everyone is familiar with their own checkbook, right? Deposits, withdrawals. How much did you spend today, this month or, for the entire year? How much did you take in, in deposits?
Think about it…we get important economic reports every month, sometimes only every quarter (like GDP) and we’re supposed to make investment decisions or forecasts based on that? That’s like driving your car by looking in the rear view mirror.
Yet that’s what people do.
In contrast there is a resource that practically nobody knows about that shows you exactly how much (in billions and even hundreds of billions, trillions even!) the government is pumping into and out of the economy EVERY SINGLE DAY! And did I mention…that PRACTICALLY NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT THIS?
This is by far the most powerful, potent, concise, real-time piece of economic data you are going to find anywhere because it is these financial flows between the U.S. Treasury and the economy that drive EVERYTHING! And it is there for anyone who wishes to access it.
When you delve into the Daily Treasury Statement here are a few things you will learn:
Did you know that the U.S. government “paid back” $99 TRILLION to investors LAST YEAR? And our leaders are talking about cutting Social Security to seniors because 40 years from now the SS trust fund will supposedly have a shortfall of $4 trillion? This is in the Daily Treasury Statement. It’s from the Treasury’s own records.
Did you know that leading flows (spending) to the economy have been very strong, yet government spending as reported in the officially released GDP report shows it as being down? This is in the Daily Treasury Statement.
Did you know that we spend 50 times more on interest on public debt than on food stamps? This is in the Daily Treasury Statement.
Did you know that last February, the Federal Gov’t sent out $120 billion in tax refunds? And it will do it again this February. And it happens every year? You’ll learn this from the Daily Treasury Statement.
Do you know why there is an expression, “Sell in May and walk away?” when it comes to the stock market?The Daily Treasury Statement will explain this seasonal effect and why it is so predictable. (And by the way, stock market investors and analysts don’t know the real reason why.)