The EURUSD Day Trading Course by Trade That Swing

The EURUSD Day Trading Course teaches you how to day trade the EURUSD in 2 hours or less a day, with the potential to make double-digit percentage returns each month (with practice) with patterns that tend to occur almost every day.

Start trading with as little as a few hundred dollars, with no other upfront costs. What other business has that low of a start-up cost and that kind of return potential? None that I know of.

Learn a select few strategies and everything you need to implement them; this course is direct and to the point.

This is a complete method for day trading the EURUSD, which is the only pair you need to trade. No need to day trade anything else. Become an expert in this one pair.

This course is specifically designed to give you all the tools and strategies you need to day trade the EURUSD. No BS, just solid methods, strategies, and information. Ask questions directly below the videos if you wish.

Join hundreds of other traders using these strategies during European and US market hours. Start your NEW trading journey today.

What You’ll Learn In The EURUSD Day Trading Course
Contents + How to Use This Course
Understanding the EURUSD
Brokers, Spreadacherse and Charting Platform
When to Trade and Setting Charts
How to Practice and Improve
Position Sizing on the Fly
When Not to Trade.mp4
Pre-Trade Routine
Strat 1_ Rounded Top _ Bottom
Rounded Top & Bottom
Double Pump
Double Pump Variation
Snap back
Bringing the strategies Together
Alternative Exits
Win Rate and Reward to Risk
Tracking Trades and Efficiency.
Trading Plan
Commiciency the Price action
Exercises to Improve

图片[1]-The EURUSD Day Trading Course by Trade That Swing-TheTrendFollowing
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