David Vallieres & Tim Warren – Expert Option Trading Course

图片[1]-David Vallieres & Tim Warren – Expert Option Trading Course-TheTrendFollowing

Module 1: Introduction To Trading As A Business

Module 2: Introduction To Trade Types and Analysis

Module 3: The Greeks – Managing By The Numbers

Module 4 : Trade Selection And Strategy

Module 5: Portfolio Building

Module 6: Using The TOS Platform – The Tools Of The Trade

Module 7: Portfolio Management By The Greeks, Adjustments, VIX and More…

Module 8: The Art Of Adjustments – The Secret Key

Module 9: Closing Positions

Module 10: The Big Picture – Technical Analysis

Module 11: Advanced Techniques And Explosive Wealth Building Strategies

Bonus #1
Module 12-1: Inside Days

Bonus #2
Module 12-2: Extreme Trading

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