Macrohedged – Options Education

Macrohedged – Options Education

Macrohedged - Options Education

Macrohedged – Options Education

Trading options may be a difficult and complicated task.

The Options Education FULL Course is designed to swiftly get you up to speed if you are unfamiliar with options or want to increase your understanding. You will study the basics of options trading in this course, as well as acquire the abilities necessary for success.Foundation Day and DeepDive are the two portions that make up the course. The goal of Foundation Day is to properly equip everyone to learn more deeply for the rest of the semester. What you will learn is as follows:

Market microstructure: Recognize the way the market is structured and how it affects trade.

The market for options on futures: become familiar with the basics of trading options on futures.

Find out how the CME, EUREX, and ICE vary from each other as futures exchanges.

Learn everything there is to know about the first order Greeks, including delta, gamma, theta, and vega.

How to Determine an Option’s Value: Discover how to determine an option’s value.

Understanding where you stand and how it will change: Recognize how changes in the market will affect your option position.

Learn the important phrases and jargon used in trading options by consulting the glossary.

Learn how to set up the proper tools for trading options. This week’s tool setup.

You will have a firm grasp of the fundamentals of options trading by the end of Foundation Day. With DeepDive, you’ll be equipped to delve farther into the subject.

Learn about the many spread kinds and trading tactics utilized in the world of options.

Learn about the Black-Scholes model and binomial trees under the heading “The Models” below.

The Market Maker: Your part and theirs: Discover the function of market makers and how to communicate with them.

Understand the idea of volatility and how it affects the trading of options.

Learn about and how to trade skew (RR, BF, and route trading).

Learn everything there is to know about trading volatility and skew.

Dynamic hedging: Discover how to hedging your options holdings dynamically.

Position risk: Recognize the dangers of trading options.

The Options Education FULL Course is created to provide you a thorough grasp of options trading, to sum up. This course offers everything you need to be successful, whether you are new to trading options or an experienced trader wishing to increase your expertise. Enroll right away to begin your path to profitable options trading.

SIZE: 7,3 GB

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