Daniel McEvoy – Dans Bull Run Millions Crypto Course

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What You’ll Learn In Dans Bull Run Millions Crypto Course :

Topic 1: The Basics

Topic 2: Mindset

Lipstick on a Pig
Crypto is a pump and dump ponzi scheme (YT Video)
Markets are zero sum – its pvp
The House Always Wins
How to 80/20 Crypto
Emotions destroy profits
Pattern Recognition Database
Are you an Amateur or Professional?
Add to winners, cut losers
The importance of volatility
Second and Third Order Consequences
Capturing 6/8ths of the trend
Preparedness, not Predictions
Dunning Kruger Effect
How to capture outsized returns
It’s not about the coin, it’s about the process
Everyone pays their tuition
Short Term vs Long Term Solutions

Topic 3: Market Psychology

All humans have the same flaws
Fear and Greed – Market Cycles
Ignore Regret
How Markets Price Value
Pain of profit or pain of losing?

Topic 4: Understanding Crypto Cycles+ Price Action

Types of Capitulation
4 Year Cycle
Diversification is a Myth
The Big Long’/Position Sizing during Bull
Leverage Trading – Yes or No?
Capturing Asymetric Opportunities
Home Runs > Small Wins
Influencers Create Liquidity, Not Alpha
Reflexivity, Funding Data, Sentiment, and Spot vs Derivatives
Sector Rotations
House Money Effect

Topic 5: Do-NOT-do List

Chasing pumps
Making emotional decisions
Copy your favourite twitter influencer
Gain conviction with higher prices
Buy or sell without an edge
Selling to buy back lower
Don’t mix strategies
Sell 50% on a 2x

Topic 6: How to do Fundamental Analysis

Levels to Fundamental Analysis
Fundamentals that matter – Flows
Fundamentals that matter – Tokenomics
Fundamentals that matter – Advanced narrative analysis
Fundamentals that matter – Thesis building with network
Fundamentals that matter – Pattern recognition
Fundamentals that matter – Community (mention dev community)
Fundamentals that matter – Mindshare
Fundamentals that matter – Perception vs Reality (Market Inefficiency)
Fundamentals that matter – 0—> 1 Primitives (TIA)
Fundamentals that matter – Outlier Price Action
Fundamentals that matter – Initial Distribution
Fundamentals that matter – Age of project
Interview – guy who bought $KAS before it went 50x
How to Research Coins
Cheat-Sheet for Quickly Identifying if a Coin has 10-100x Potential
The Importance of Building A Thesis – How My Friend Missed Out on $400M in Profit

Topic 7: Building a Strategy/Edge

Overview of potential money making strategies/edges
The truth of being a profitable trader
Importance of a Strategy/Edge and an Overview of Mine
Follow the pro or become the pro
How did I build my strategies/edge?
How to make/get a strategy/edge?
Why 99% of algorithms are scams

Topic 8: Scams to Avoid

DCA Trading Bots
High Yield Farms
Prop Firms

Topic 9: Taxes and Banking

Tax 101
Crypto Taxes Overview
Offshore Examples

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