Craft Cases – Market Sizing Course

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Our program offers a foolproof system to solve estimation and market sizing cases effortlessly. You’ll get:

– The Estimation Blueprint, a bulletproof approach for solving any estimation or market sizing case.
– Complete methods for tackling the 5 most common types of estimation cases.
– The flexibility to size any market using 4 distinct approaches.
– Best practices, scripts, and specific recommendations for mastering each step of the estimation process and handling any curveballs thrown your way.
– Our “Private Vault” of advanced techniques for turning weaknesses into strengths when solving estimation cases.
– The 7 crucial “specific insights” that top-tier interviewers use to separate the best candidates from the rest.
– 20 high-quality drills that cover typical, non-conventional, and partner-level estimation questions for hands-on experience.

With our program, you’ll be equipped with the skills and confidence to handle any estimation or market sizing case like a pro.

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