High Tight Flag Masterclass by Leif Soreide 中英字幕

图片[1]-High Tight Flag Masterclass by Leif Soreide 中英字幕-TheTrendFollowing

Total 6 Hours of lessons

What You’ll Learn In High Tight Flag Masterclass :

Master the High Tight Flag setup to consistently identify high-potential trades.
How to grade HTF setups to decide the size of your position.
How to avoid faulty HTF patterns that don’t meet Leif’s strict criteria.
A concrete plan you can start using the very next trading day.
Identify the most common scenarios that effect the success of HTF trades and how to react.
Apply Leif Soreide’s winning strategies to boost your trading performance and confidence.

High Tight Flag Masterclass by Leif Soreide无字幕此资源下载价格为299¥CNY,请先
High Tight Flag Masterclass by Leif Soreide中英字幕此资源下载价格为399¥CNY,请先
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