Van Tharp – All New! Trading Genius Course

图片[1]-Van Tharp – All New! Trading Genius Course-TheTrendFollowing

Here are some simple things about mistakes that you will learn in this workshop.

A mistake is when you don’t follow your rules.
If you don’t have any rules, then everything you do in trading is a mistake.
If you repeat the same mistake over and over again, it’s called self-sabotage. And many people do that regularly – and you, when you read this, might realize that you are among them.
Most people trade at 70% efficiency or less which means that they make three mistakes in 10 trades.
Thus, if you can prevent and eliminate mistakes, you can actually manufacture much, much better returns – and in some cases, this could make you hugely successful.
We’ll show you three different tasks of trading that you can use to prevent and eliminate mistakes in this workshop.
This section alone will be worth the price of the workshop many times over because eliminating one mistake, especially one you make over and over, could represent a huge profit increase.

During this new workshop, which will be divided into two half-days, Dr. Tharp wants to really give you the essence of his modeling work with traders. We’ve only scratched the surface of what he plans to go over.


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